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Sky Cards Tips – Tip 1

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The management of your Sky + planner is really important, and the more organized you are the more you will enjoy you favourite Sky TV anywhere in Europe.Even tough Sky is generous with it’s storage in it’s Sky + and Sky + HD boxes, and you can record hours of quality Sky TV in standard and HD. The Storage space is still limited. It is important that you manage you Sky planner effectively to make sure that you never run out of space when it really matters. Like when you want to record a long football match but it won’t let you because the planner has reached it’s full capacity, this will lead to failed recordings.

At the top of the planner screen (press green on the main TV guide menu to get to the planner) you will see a percentage, this percentage value indicates the amount of space you are currently occupying on the Sky box storage. It is iportant to keep this at no more than 70% at any time. Then you are always left with a buffer which will leave room for any last minute recordings you want to make.

Try and treat the planner like a viewing list rather than a long term storage place, if there is anything in the planner that has been there for w while you will probably never watch it so delete it and make more room for something else.
