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Sky Cards see red and green buttons take off

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Interactive Sky TV has not really taken off, because people still separate the information the get (The Internet) and the Video entertainment they watch (The TV).

To access interactive services the coloured buttons on your Sky TV remote control are generally used, but now not really what they where designed for. Originally the buttons where to access informational content like news and weather, but now they have a much more exciting and powerful function.

The buttons are used for accessing additional audio/visual content, for example when Wimbledon was on this year you could use you Sky TV remote control to access channels with a channel being BBC1 so you could watch whatever court you wanted at any time and you could switch between courts at your pleasure. In fact 7.5 million viewers used the red button to access this additional content and during the Snooker Wold Championships 3.96 viewers pressed the red button.

So not only when you get your Sky TV through Sky Cards you get the advertised amount of channels you get all this extra bonus content ready to be explored.

Another emerging feature of Sky TV is the green button, this is being used on adverts to deliver extra advertising information to potential customers, Sky Cards thinks that this is the start of something big and it will be on most adverts one day.
